Your Experience Empowers Change

Cancer Research and You Series 2/3 - Cancer research can seem scary. Typically, people think of blood draws and a lab with beakers and microscopes. Did you know there is a different kind of cancer research? Patient experience research collects thoughts from patients, survivors, and caregivers. This qualitative data allows companies like GRYT Health to help shape the future of cancer care based on what you have to say! In this interactive session, you’ll hear from our Chief Research Officer, Dr. Darcy Flora, and our Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Dan Platt, about some of the most impactful projects we’ve done with our community. We’ll also dive into why it is important for you to not only learn about research, but participate as an advocate because your voice has the potential to change the future of cancer care.

Darcy Flora, PhD, Chief Research Officer, GRYT Health
Dan Platt, MD, Chief Medical Officer, GRYT Health